
New mine could be a bad deal for Maine

To the Editor;

I agree with the BDN editorial board when they write in the Feb. 7 BDN editorial, “Simply put, this is the wrong project in the wrong place, and this rezoning request should be denied.” When thinking about why not to allow this requisition from Wolfden Resources Corporation, there are a variety of reasons that come to mind. This project could take away from the natural beauty of the area and could have a negative impact on local wildlife. There are also numerous other considerations including the chance that this mine could pollute the area. It is hard to see any good things that would be a result of this mine.

When thinking about this mine, it is also important to think about other potential effects down the road. It is possible that the mine itself could scar the area so that future generations would not be able to enjoy it. An interesting point raised in this editorial was that Wolfden purchased the area near Pickett Mountain knowing that it could not currently be utilized for mining.

Whether we agree or disagree with the formation of this mine, I think there should be no question that it would be a bad deal for Maine. It is hard to tell what other consequences could result from a decision to rezone the area. We should be doing everything possible to preserve our land.

Benjamin Bucklin


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